Reading Guide Questions for the Other Woman Sandie Jones

The Other Woman

Answered Questions (21)

Ciclochick I so agree. The summary of the novel can be constitute anywhere it's available. When I read reviews I want to know what the reader thought about it and why…more I and so agree. The summary of the novel can exist found anywhere it's available. When I read reviews I want to know what the reader thought about information technology and why: what was good, what was bad. And this is what a good review is about. Non an essay of the plot. I only include a very brusque summary of the book, firstly, to make sense of whatsoever pluses or minuses to anyone reading the review, secondly, if I reread a review of mine of sometime, a few words just trigger my memory of what it was about. I skip any reviews that are long. Reviews should exist snappy, relevant, concise. At the aforementioned time, anyone who merely says 'information technology's okay', 'didn't like information technology', should be banned from writing reviews.(less)
This question contains spoilers... (view spoiler)[What did Adam think Pammie was sending him payments for? If he never saw his dad die (since it was James not Adam) what was he blackmailing her about? He doesn't know Pammie saw him kill Rebecca, right? So why did she have the photograph of Rebecca out of the photo album after Emily looked at information technology? And, obviously, why wouldn't she just destroy the inhaler if she didn't accept any intention of turning him in? (hide spoiler)]
Dale Rosenberg I retrieve this is one of many plot flaws in the book. There's also the question of why Emily hides her meetings with James. She doesn't have sex with hi…more I think this is one of many plot flaws in the volume. There's besides the question of why Emily hides her meetings with James. She doesn't take sex activity with him and it simply becomes such an effect (or would, in a normal relationship), considering she hides it. And if all James told Pammie almost Emily was that he had feelings for her, how does she know that Emily met him at a bar and dressed up for it, so she tin can torture virtually that at the hen weekend? And how did we go from Pammie and James trying to tell her non to answer the door because Adam "found out about James" to Adam deciding that James wouldn't have tried to get Adam to finish fucking other women unless he was having an affair with Emily, which is completely bizarre. I think the writer just couldn't come with a way for him to have found out.

Only the worst flaw is Pammie and her motivations. She seems to be so gleeful in the awful things she does to Emily. And they are then mean!
If she just wanted to intermission them up, she wouldn't have to be and then cruel to Emily and and then have Emily complain to Adam and Adam become mad at Emily for saying his mother is mean. She could directly influence Adam - she knows he's insanely jealous and controlling and she could convince him Emily is adulterous on him, or even lie and say Emily told her she had cheated. She is assuredly evil from the beginning, simply to make the plot twist a surprise. In the foreword Pammie says she "well-nigh feels sympathy" for Emily knowing that she won't really go married. This is the establishing scene that lets united states know Pammie is evil. Since she isn't really, she would feel sympathy for Emily while she'south doing awful stuff to her.

I'm not sure how to rate this book. Information technology's full of flaws, and it'south so articulate that Adam is really awful and hard to see how Emily tin't see it. OTOH, I really liked Emily and her friends and was very interested to encounter how it would all pan out.(less)

This answer contains spoilers… (view spoiler)[ Ok I looked back at the end-- James did see Pammie and the Dad, Adam didn't. Pammie always thought that it was Adam, simply it wasn't. She says she went …more than Ok I looked back at the end-- James did see Pammie and the Dad, Adam didn't. Pammie always thought that it was Adam, but it wasn't. She says she went in to see Adam and he "pretended to be comatose" and shook her off. And then she went to see James and he woke and told her he loved her. She couldn't comprehend that someone who had seen what he did would say that to her, and so she always thought it was Adam, although it really was sleeping. That'southward why she wanted to run to police force and tell the story before Adam did, but James stopped her and said Adam won't say annihilation because it was me at the top of the stairs and I honey you. (less) (hibernate spoiler)]
This answer contains spoilers… (view spoiler)[ I don't retrieve it is directed at any 1 person. There are a lot of other women in his life- his mom, Rebecca, the women he sleeps with, etc... They ar…more I don't think it is directed at whatever one person. At that place are a lot of other women in his life- his mom, Rebecca, the women he sleeps with, etc... They are all the other woman in their own way.(less) (hide spoiler)]
This question contains spoilers... (view spoiler)[What was the purpose of James in this volume?? Merely a ruby herring? A distraction? Because in the stop, he turns out to be the superior brother, kind, caring, and intelligent, but does Emily now get to marry him instead? NO! Considering information technology's likewise belatedly, he's gone and married somebody else, and we tin't even hate her considering she's nice! How frustrating! (hide spoiler)]
Marcella Halverson I completely agree! But by seeing how differently Pammie treats Kate, and that by comments fabricated by Kate that Pammie is certainly interim differently an…more I completely agree! Only by seeing how differently Pammie treats Kate, and that by comments made past Kate that Pammie is certainly interim differently and more kindly towards Kate, I judge we get to see that it's really merely Emily (or therefore Adams South.O.) that is getting this treatment. (less)

Unanswered Questions (6)

This question contains spoilers... (view spoiler)[I finished the book yesterday & read through all of the previous questions & answers simply didn't find any discussion re the one thing I'm most confused about: How did Pammie get upstairs to soothe the baby while Adam was abusing Emily? Was she in the house the whole fourth dimension she was trying to call Emily? But that wouldn't make any sense. If she was there all along, she would take just warned her in person. TYIA! (hibernate spoiler)]

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